High-Quality Polyethylene Manufacturer in China LLDPE HDPE wrap

The quality of livestock is largely determined by the feed that they consume. If the quality of the feed is very bad, the condition of the livestock will also look bad, and vice versa. There is a way to maintain the quality of animal feed by carrying out the correct storage procedures and keeping the storage conditions. In this case, we recommend you use products from a polyethylene manufacturer with the high-quality, which can help you to store the animal feed. For more details regarding that case, let’s look at the reviews below!

Polyethylene Manufacturer in China

China is one of the countries known for its best technological advances and industrial development. Lots of companies have a history of worldwide sales. Polyethylene manufacture is one of them.

Polyethylene manufacture provides several needs to support animal feed production. Along with technological developments, the availability of machines used to produce polyethylene film is also increasingly sophisticated. The production capacity of this polyethylene film can reach several thousand tons per month. So, if they find a large order, they can deliver it on time. In addition, there is no need to doubt the quality because these manufacturers have also implemented quality control on their production.

There are so many polyethylene manufacturers were contributed to producing the shelf life of feed in China. They always supervise and ensure that polyethylene film production is processed with the right procedure. So you can find a product such as silage film, bale net wrap, and round bale film. These three products are made from high-quality natural materials, which are Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE).

What is Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)?

Now, the question is, what is LLDPE, and is this material safe for storing animal feed? And here’s the explanation.

Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) is a type of polyethylene that is often used as a basic material for packaging. This material is more flexible than the other types of polyethylene. In this term, LLDPE is also easy to recycle and has stronger resistance to tearing as well as weather changes. Thus, this material is very suitable for wrapping heavy objects.

So as the polyethylene manufacturer, we will choose the main material that has the best quality, such as LLDPE. Thus, if farmers have to store the feed, such as haylage, for quite a long time, the bale net wrap or round bale film used will be followed the shelf life of the feed properly.

What are the Quality Standards for Polyethylene manufacturing?

There are several things about quality standards for a polyethylene manufacturer, as follows:

  1. We will ensure that the entire production process is carried out correctly and in accordance with applicable operational standards. In this term, we will do a strict inspection before this product is marketed. So, as a customer, you don’t need to worry.
  2. The quality standard for the polyethylene film that we produce is resistance to tearing. This is important because livestock feed such as haylage that will be stored is not in small quantities; therefore, the stretchability must be good.
  3. The next quality standard measure is resistance to blows, punctures, or dings. It will keep the transferring process of a haylage bale, and there will be no damage to the wrapping.
  4. Protected from humidity or temperature conditions. Bale net wrap is indeed designed with a hole size to prevent a haylage from escaping. This hole also aims to balance the air circulation in the stored straw, not too dry and not too wet. If the humidity cannot be conditioned, mold or other microorganisms may grow on the stored haylage.
  5. Lastly, we will also ensure that the polyethylene film produced has protection from UV degradation for 12 months. This protection from UV rays aims to make the polyethylene film that we use as the basic material more durable and not easily destroyed or decomposed by nature. If the UV content in this polyethylene mulch is balanced, this silage film product can be used several times.

High Quality Wrap Manufacturer

We set this quality standard as an effort to maintain the quality of your animal feed so that it is completely safe for consumption. With high-quality feed, the nutritional needs of livestock will also be met. If we ignore these things, the stored feed will rot, mold growth and the nutrient content of haylage will be changed. If this happens, the quality of livestock that you have will also decrease, and the livestock might be poisoned.

So, that’s all the information we can convey about the high-quality polyethylene manufacturer in China. For those of you who are interested in looking for silage film, bale net wrap, or round bale film, then Silopak factory in China can be the best choice. Hope it is useful.