Fodder preservation is a piece of cake. Sometimes it is easy, and sometimes it is the opposite. What are the factors that decide the level of easiness in preserving fodder? It depends on the condition of the material and the environment. The running of the preserving process also defines the quality of the fodder.

grass fodder preservation net wrap silage film for sale

A Glance at Fodder

Fodder defines as plants that intend to be cultivated not for humans but the animal. The other plants that are grown by themselves can also be classified as fodder as long as the animal wants to eat it. This animal staple food could be made of both temporary and permanent crops. The crop is labeled as permanent if it has its special land for growing the plants (includes the wild crop that grows there that can be eaten by the animals). It has to be five years or over than that.

Meanwhile, the temporary one must have multiple cutting within a year. Some plants that are categorized as this are the three common fodder materials; they are legumes, grasses, and root crops. All the crops mentioned are for animal fodder in the shape of silage, dried fodder, or fresh one. Among the three shapes, two of them are preserved.

The dried one is preserved by drying the material. The silage is preserved by doing another fodder preservation method that keeps the material wet. Meanwhile, the fresh one is given to the animal right after the cutting process, so it doesn’t need to be preserved.

Is Preserved Fodder Important?

Everyone knows that the fresh one carries and keeps the quality good. The nutrition content also stays intact. However, the farmers couldn’t always give fresh ones to the animal. It requires the farmers to work extra hard. They have to cut the crop every day. If the farmers have a sufficient amount of workers, it can be done. Unfortunately, nature doesn’t allow it to happen smoothly—the season changes. At least once, the crop experiences less growth.

Hence, fodder preservation is required. The popular method in preserving the staple food for the animal is drying. It is the easiest way. You just have to set the crops under sun exposure. Yet, living creatures also need wet food to keep digestion healthy and balanced. The fermentation process is needed to make silage as wet food for the animal. This process takes approximately three weeks. As at a glance mentioned in the first paragraph, the preserving result is not always successful.

Every element that is used in the process has to be noticed carefully. The first is the materials. Make sure that the materials are the best among the others. In the sorting session, pick the material with the best condition, so the nutrition content is guaranteed. The damaged one can add the weight and the quantity but can’t support the quality. The method of storage also defines the quality of the result. During the fermentation, the material has to be shielded with the proper wrap.

If the process hasn’t finished, but the outside disturbance interrupts in the middle of the fermentation, it could come to a failure. It can be concluded that besides the material and the preservation substance, the wrap takes an important part.

Good Wrap for Fodder Preservation

We are Silopak, the leading brand of net wrap and silage film. The products by our company feel all the requirements of good forage wrap. Our products are made of good and tough. It can block outside disturbance like wild animal attacks. 

Wild birds, snakes, or caterpillars are the animals that often come near the farmland. The films from silopak also block the bad effect of ultraviolet light. The color of the wrap is bright. It prevents the silage from overheating condition as we know that dark color absorbs heat.

We already proof our quality and existence since 2011. Ten years of experience is more than enough to prove our dedication. Why is existence important? We believe that our satisfied customers have a will to buy the products again. To keep the continuity and the financial consistency, existence plays the main role. At a friendly price, Silopak‘s products are ready to support your fodder preservation.