by silopak | Apr 14, 2022 | Grass Silage Film, net wrap bales
Making fermented feed for livestock requires a wrapper. The wrapper serves to keep the grass moist. Grass or hay with a certain humidity level can be stored for a long time. Thus, livestock feed reserves can be available, even if the availability is reduced. The...
by silopak | Mar 28, 2022 | Grass Silage Film
Livestock, especially cows or buffaloes, will grow and develop faster if their food intake is met. Farmers looking for animal feed will be easy when the rainy season arrives. However, when the dry season comes, many of them have difficulty getting food. Making grass...
by silopak | Jun 10, 2021 | Grass Silage Film
Grass silage film is used to preserve grass, feed, and other organic components. LLDPE Silage film serves to prevent grass rot and support the ecosystem. Farmers can use silage film to wrap straws, thus saving animal feed. Silage needs to be wrapped during...
by silopak | May 5, 2021 | Grass Silage Film
Grass silage film is now used widely in making high-quality silage. Along with several other influencing factors, a good silage film is essential to be considered in silage making. Those factors and silage film itself should be known in detail. In a review of...