When to Plant Desmanthus cacttle feed livestock

Grazing on dry land and forest areas can increase the mortality rate of cattle. This condition is possibly due to the low quality and quantity availability of forage. Of course, this is an alarming condition and requires a solution, one of which is by increasing livestock production. Some efforts can be started by increasing the amount of production and quality of forage in pastures such as empowering the role of Desmanthus. So, what is the best time and when to plant Desmanthus? How to care for and grow it?

When to Plant Desmanthus? Here is the Guide!

There are generally more livestock businesses in various regions of the world that depend on extensive grazing. Usually, cattle are grazing in fields with fields mixed, mixed field and pasture, and dry land and forest.

The cultivation of various species of these legumes is an effort to identify potential pasture legumes in these grazing locations. Adaptation to growing this Desmanthus legume related to soil and climatic climate factors.

One of the main characteristics of Desmanthus seeds is the legume family Mimosaceae, it has a very hard seed coat. This can lead to low germination. Hot water close to 800C was used as one of the simple scarification methods to increase power sprouts. Please remember this way, although hot water can soften the hard seed coat, on the other hand soaking the seeds for a long time causes the death of the embryo.

Soaking proved effective in increasing germination above 50%. Soaking time the optimum obtained was 60 to 90 seconds for Desmanthus leptophyllous and 30 to 90 seconds for Desmanthus virgatus. There is a difference in the duration of immersion for each Desmanthus species. In planting Desmanthus or any type of plant, it takes trials to find the right method.

Now we will discuss the best timing when to plant Desmanthus. Well, there will be two recommendations. These are all based on some conditions. For monsoonal regions or areas with a single peak rainfall pattern, best planted from September to mid-January.

However, there are two key indicators that farmers should pay attention to. The first is that the soil temperature should not exceed 15°C. It is the right temperature to start growing Desmanthus. Measure soil moisture. Desmanthus will grow best in monsoon areas with soil moisture of more than 40cm. This second indicator can be realized in mid-January.

Meanwhile, in other areas, such as several countries on the continent of Australia and NSW, it can start from September to November or from January to February. Start planting Desmanthus still using the same indicators. However, generally, December is usually too hot to plant Desmanthus. So it’s best, you avoid starting to plant Desmanthus this month.

In detail, before starting planting, besides estimating when to plant Desmanthus, you can also consider the following things.

  • The estimate by carefully calculating when the next rain will arrive. Desmanthus requires some follow-up rain to grow optimally
  • Humidity will be better maintained in the monsoon area so it will be easier for you to care for this plant.
  • Choosing the right type of seeding, for example with fecal seeding, especially in areas with low rainfall. This method is very effective, farmers can feed pasture seeds to livestock so that the seeds will automatically spread throughout the field through the manure when they graze.
  • Avoid planting in heatwave conditions, this will certainly interfere with the growth of Desmanthus.
  • The last planting in a year of when to plant Desmanthus should be done 2-3 months before frost.

What You Should Know about Seed Treatment

Naturally, freshly harvested Desmanthus seeds are usually tougher. For this reason, do a special treatment to make the seeds softer. The goal is for the seeds to germinate. You need to have a special time to care for these seeds.

The best percentage of soft seeds is between 50-70%, at this stage, the germination will be maximum until the first rain arrives after sowing. The advice you can practice is to save some seeds as a backup, first seeding could have failed.

The mechanical scarification method changes the hard Desmanthus seeds to make them softer. Use this simple method, soak the seeds in boiling water for 4 seconds, remove them, and drain them. Prepare a container to spread them to cool. Making sure those seeds are soft enough at the recommended percentages.

Anyone interested in planting Desmanthus should always pay attention to the condition of the place or the growing environment besides when to plant Desmanthus. It requires full to partial sun and moist conditions. Planting seeds are sown earlier indoors, the step takes 2-4 weeks. Sprinkle sprouted seeds directly or move them outside after the frost period ends. The crucial task is to keep the Desmanthus moist until germination occurs. Illinois Desmanthus is somewhat drought tolerant, though you shouldn’t be surprised if it loses some lower leaves.