Varieties of Green Fodder forage livestock feed wrap

Feed is the main need for living things. Farm animals are no exception. In addition to being a source of energy, the feed also contains nutrients needed for the growth and development of livestock. In ruminant livestock, for example, cows, buffaloes, sheep, and others, there is fodder forage. Varieties of green fodder consist of several kinds.

There is green fodder that comes from agricultural waste, sources of nuts, and other feeds. In this article, we will discuss the various types of fodder for livestock. Therefore, the following will explain in advance the types of green fodder.

Varieties of Green Fodder for Livestock

Green fodder for livestock is divided into three types. The first type is fodder legumes. Then feed the fodder grass. And the last other green fodder.

Fodder Legume

This variety of green fodder has a higher nutritional content than other types of forage. Therefore, fodder legumes are often called a superior feed. The nutritional content contained more than other types of feed is protein and minerals. As we know, protein and minerals make livestock prefer to eat them.

Feeds that contain protein and minerals are also easier for livestock to digest. Examples of fodder legumes are Centro, peanut leaves, long bean leaves, Turi, ruji beans, and many others.


Centro bean plants come from Central America and Mexico. Has a crude protein content of 24%. The crude fiber content can reach 32%.


Turi plants come from tropical Asia, for example, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The protein content of Turi plants is 25-30%. Besides being high in protein, Turi plants also contain tannins.

Fodder Grass

Varieties of green fodder grass are still further divided into two groups. The first is weeds and grass that are intentionally planted or cultivated. Fodderfodder derived from grass has crude fiber ranging from 18%. Foddergrass is a good source of nutrients, even though it has a low energy content.

Grass feed is a good source of nutrition because it has a protein content of up to 20%. This can cause the animal’s reproductive process to increase to 70% more than its usual ability.

Examples of wild fodder grasses are reeds, sedge grass, and needlegrass. In contrast, examples of cultivated fodder grass are elephant grass, Bengal, Setaria, and many more.

Grass of Bengal

Farmers commonly use this grass to meet the feed needs of their livestock. Bengal is a source of animal feed originating from African countries. It has a perennial nature and an erect stem. At first glance, this grass is similar to elephant grass.

Bengal grass has green and purplish flowers. This type of grass can grow on the ground at an altitude ranging from 0-1,200 masl.

Elephant Grass

This type of grass can grow in marginal areas. And can grow optimally at a ground height of 0-3000 masl. This grass can also grow in an environment with suitable rainfall. Fertile clay soil. But this grass cannot grow in puddles.

Elephant grass is often used as animal feed because it has high productivity. This grass grows and develops upward and forms a clump. This plant is also often encountered on the banks of rivers.

Setaria Grass

Same with the varieties of green fodder in Bengal, Setaria grass comes from African countries. Setaria can grow and develop in plains with an altitude of 1000-3000 meters above sea level. To be able to cultivate this grass you can do it easily because Setaria can grow in various types of soil. However, it must still require soil processing, such as loosening and fertilizing first.

Setaria grass has a crude protein content of 8%. While the crude fiber content reaches 32%. The advantages of growing Setaria grass itself are that it is resistant to puddles, dry seasons, to various diseases.

Other Forages

Other varieties of green fodder are not included in the previous two types of feed, both from grass and agricultural waste. Examples of other green fodder are straw, sweet potatoes, hibiscus leaves, hibiscus flowers, and many more. This feed is often used by farmers but not as often as other types of feed because it is considered to contain nutrients under other types.

Are you interested in providing green fodder from grass, nuts, or other things to your livestock? All have advantages and disadvantages of each. But in essence, all feed sources are good and contain the nutrients needed by livestock. You can cultivate your own if you choose fodder from grass.

Those are the varieties of green fodder for livestock. We, Silopak, are a company that provides an animal feed that has been wrapped in bales. The nutritional content in the feed will be maintained because it is packaged safely. Our feed can also last a long time because it is packaged according to the rules. You can order it through the contact listed, and it can be by Whatsapp, telephone, WeChat, or e-mail.