Silage Wrap Film for Sale in Pakistan, Turkey, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Chile

Almost every dairy farmer in western countries is practicing silage making; those silages are stored and protected in a silage film. Therefore the availability of silage wrap film is important to keep their quality.

Silage is animal feed that farmers use to feed their animals or pets, especially during the dry season. Consisting of maize, grass, and others, the crops are chopped into small pieces and stored to make the silage.

The quality of making silage depends on many things. Reliability of the machines, weather, good quality additives, silage net, tape, and of course, top-quality wrap. It may sound impossible to control the weather, but we can make silage by using the best products.

Why do You Need a Quality Wrap?

The purpose of silage making is to store and conserve plant nutrients using bacteria and lactic so that the rapid fermentation can occur in air-free conditions and can minimize the losses possibility from harvesting to feeding. 

Regardless of the system, the main function of the storage and ensiling system is to make sure that there is no air during the ensiling process and create a storage process with no air. Harvest speed, cutting length, silage compaction and distribution, and moisture content can greatly affect the storage losses and fermentation process.

Generally, an efficient fermentation ensures feedstuff that digestible and more palatable. This encourages livestock to consume maximum dry matter, resulting in livestocks’ weight gain performance and milk improvement.

Wrapping bales on time is very important, and the maximum recommended amount of time is 12 hours for bales before wrapping them. If you give too much time, the bales may rot instead of ferment—moreover, longer fermentation leading to less energy and create more protein. 

Experts claim that the ideal humidity condition of the silage film can help in keeping the forage. The film provides a well-controlled fermentation.

Plastic that tears and stick when used can be very frustrating, and you may not invest wisely during the process. You might end up paying yourself a much bigger bill for fodder months ahead in the challenging condition. Using a heat-reflective wrap is needed so that your bales do not overheat and lose their nutritional value.

To provide complete benefits, silage wrap film needs to meet several important elements such as resistance to tears and punctures, strength, UV stability, elasticity, and the ability to always adhere under any circumstances.

Provide Your Silage with High-Quality Wrap 

When it comes to choosing silage wrap film for sale, look for a wrap that will last for an entire season; otherwise, you will have a lot more waste and spending more money. You have to make sure that it can make an airtight seal by adheres to itself. 

Wrapping hay or silage with film prevents oxygen from escaping; that is a big deal, and the best wrapper film must ensure that feature when it comes to your bottom line.

Remember, the wrapping purpose is to prevent oxygen. The animal’s digestive system is saved by this lack of oxygen that can break down lactic bacteria. Silopak is a silage film and bale net manufacturer and has outstanding records for its quality and durability.

Having a quality film wrap is the main component in producing quality silage bales. Film manufacturers who partner with the best raw material providers and deeply understand the market can make the best silage films.

Wrap film made with selected premium quality resins provides customers with excellent puncture resistance and excellent adhesiveness help to ensure low water and oxygen permeability to maintain the nutritional value of the bound plant.

Benefits and technical properties of bale silage wrap film

  • Reduce breakage, improved film consistency.
  • Better seal efficiency (excellent cling).
  • Help minimize rotting silage from film damage (strong puncture resistance).
  • Maintain nutritional value (water permeability and low oxygen).
  • Keep the bale silage intact during storage or transportation (high load retention).
  • Even under high temperatures, it performs best (extreme performance).
  • You do not need too much money to invest in high-quality wrap film (a low-cost option).


  • Size: 750m * 1.500 m/500 * 1.800 m/250 mm * 1.800 m.
  • Thickness: 25 microns.

Are you looking for the best quality silage wrap? Our website is the right place for you. Silopak manufacturers provide silage film and bale net wrap. We believe that we provide nothing but the highest quality silage films. This wrap film will give you all the value you need. The products we provide meet the vital criteria.

We provide a silage wrap product lasted for more than 18 months to suit your packaging needs, small or big. If you need help or have any questions about choosing silage wrap film for sale in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Turkey, Pakistan get in touch with us today!

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