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A trusted silage film supplier in the UK is vital for providing winter feed on many farms, with an estimated 50 million tonnes produced annually. The role of silage film suppliers in the UK is crucial in this process. However, many farmers experience significant losses in dry matter (DM) silage due to poor practices, with losses estimated to be between 25-40%. This inefficiency costs UK farmers approximately £170 million each year.

An Assessment of Silage Condition in the UK

A project conducted by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) from September 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017, assessed silage losses among UK farmers. The study focused on 20 farms, primarily beef producers, including several dairy farms.

Farmers were asked to complete an extensive questionnaire covering all aspects of their silage management practices. To ensure a standardized assessment across all farms, Silage Solution Staff Ltd conducted two visits.

The project examined the variability of grass silage in clamps across the 20 farms, aiming to identify factors affecting silage quality. Initial assessments included measuring the length, width, and height of the clamps, as well as the grass within them.

Silage Density

One major factor affecting storage problems is the density of silage. Poor density can lead to secondary fermentation (which differs from aerobic spoilage) and suboptimal preservation quality. In this context, primary fermentation products, typically lactic acid, can convert into butyric and acetic acids during secondary fermentation, primarily due to the presence of unwanted microorganisms triggered by oxygen exposure during the initial storage phase.

Inadequate sealing can exacerbate oxygen ingress, increasing the risk of aerobic spoilage, which deteriorates the quality of feed during the feeding period.

Waste Management

Regarding waste, nine out of the 20 farms experienced no upper or shoulder waste, while the remaining farms reported a range of waste from 0.2% to 36.7%. This variation translates to a loss of production valued at anywhere from £44 to over £8,000 due to waste in the clamp.

UK farmers are becoming increasingly educated about producing quality silage through the harvesting of high-quality forage. Evaluating management practices—from cutting to feeding—significantly impacts silage quality and animal performance.

To assess shoulder and top ‘waste’ silage, samples were collected by taking a core vertically downwards into the clamp, approximately 30 meters deep, and mixing them for analysis. Wet chemical procedures for ash and dry matter were employed to evaluate these samples.


When assessing clamps, the area 0.5 meters from the top sheet or sidewall is particularly vulnerable. Many farmers overlook this section, often dismissing it as “beet around the side.” The evaluation revealed that a significant portion of fresh weight—21% of all silage and 27% of total volume—was concentrated in this area.

The average cost of filling clamps was around £21,000, meaning that silage in the vulnerable zone equated to a loss of approximately £4,000 in value. As the height and width of the silage clamp decrease, the proportion of silage within 0.5 meters of the wall increases.

Efficient filling and rapid feed-out management are critical factors in reducing quality and DM losses, regardless of clamp size. Proper management processes can significantly enhance the overall silage quality.

The Role of Silage Film Suppliers in the UK

Silage film is an integral component of successful silage production. The film facilitates air release from forages, allowing fermentation and lactic acid production to occur while preserving carotene and vitamin-rich feed. Properly wrapped feed can maintain its quality for several months, ensuring that silage availability is not a concern during times of food scarcity or busy growing seasons.

The film wrapping system results in high-quality silage by preventing oxygen entrapment and increasing bale density. Additionally, using wrap film provides flexibility in silage management, making it easier to adapt to changing conditions.

To produce high-quality silage bales, utilizing a reliable film system is essential. As the leading brand for bale nets and silage film wraps, Silopak offers the expertise and quality you need. What are you waiting for? Provide your animals with the best quality feeds by using Silopak’s wrap film, your trusted silage film supplier in the UK.

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