Grass Forage Silage Film Production Factory in China

Silage is a material obtained through a controlled fermentation process from plants under anaerobic conditions. This aims to prevent spoilage of fresh feed and maintain nutritional content. This process is also known as ensilage. The ensilage also uses a container that is used to store the materials used; the container is known as a silo. Farmers need to consider also silage wrapping and silage film production.

Benefits of Silage for Cattle

Silage has many nutrients that are beneficial for livestock. One of them is for dairy cows; giving silage to dairy cows will have an impact on high milk production with good quality. In addition, silage is very helpful for these dairy farmers when the weather is extreme or during the dry season.

Silage production differs significantly from straw production. While straw is limited by seasonal factors and potential nutrient loss, silage offers superior nutritional value and enhanced digestibility for livestock. Achieving successful silage production necessitates the use of appropriate equipment and careful consideration of silage film application.

Silage keeps forage food quality and durable. So, silage can be given to livestock during any season, especially during the long dry season. Silage is the right alternative for feed during the dry season. Moreover, silage can also be intended to accommodate excess forage production from livestock feed and also utilize forage when the growth process is at its best but has not been used.

Silage Fermentation Process

The fermentation process that occurs is regulated by microorganisms found in fresh herbs; besides, additive components aim to maintain anaerobic conditions. The herbs are placed in an airtight container; the natural bacteria will ferment the carbohydrates or sugars in the herbs to produce lactic acid. It aims to get the concentration of lactic acid to prevent bacterial activity, namely clostridia activity. 

Conditions that must be met, which must remove air to maintain anaerobic conditions. Another goal is to prevent clostridial fermentation, producing carbon dioxide, butyric acid, amines, and ammonia.

Nutrient-Rich Silage and Its Importance

The grass is widely available during the rainy season. The grass can be cut to make dry grass to be used as animal feed in the summer. When the grass is cut in the early flowering period, it can be retained to become silage, so it contains more nutrients. Green fodder is preserved as silage which can be stored for up to 6 months. This silage is more easily digested by the digestive system of livestock, especially for dairy cows, sheep, and goats. Silage takes on a very big role in the summer.

Making animal feed in the form of silage will undergo a fermentation process. The materials used in the manufacture of silage consist of three groups. Silage production involves three material groups:

  1. Forage ingredients
  2. Concentrated feed ingredients
  3. Feed additives

Key Ingredients for Nutrient-Rich Silage Production

The group of forage feed ingredients can be in the form of feed ingredients from forage fodder, such as Pennisetum purpureum, Panicum mulicum, Zea mays, and other types of grasses. Silage can also use the waste from crop residues in the form of rice straw or soybeans. Feed ingredients act as the main source of fiber. You also need to consider the quality of the silage film production.

The second group of ingredients is concentrated feed ingredients in the form of rice bran or bran, corn, cassava from tapioca dregs, tofu dregs, and other ingredients. Concentrated feed ingredients are useful for improving the nutritional quality of the feed produced. This second group of materials also acts as a supporting substrate during the fermentation process. The third group is additives that can consist of minerals, urea, minerals, and other ingredients.

Making silage requires a silo, which is a place or container used to place these materials. Next, the silage is left to ferment for three weeks. After the process is complete, the silage can be opened and given to livestock. The manufacture of silage does not require drying to minimize damage to nutrients due to the heating process. 

Silage contains organic acids that can maintain the balance of the population of microorganisms in the cow’s stomach. Silage does have many benefits for livestock, but you need to consider silage film production in the manufacturing process.