The Value Of Silage Film Price In China

Silage Film Price In China, Wholesale Supplier & Manufacturer

Silage film price in China is the information that is needed. With the increase of the awareness of forage preservation, silage film is the most wanted agricultural tool. The acidification is not enough to preserve the animal’s fodder. It also needs wrap to protect the food from the bad outside effect. The wrap is also the key to acidification success. After three weeks of silage production, it has to be wrapped with the film. Some people ask why it has to be filmed. Can we store the forage in a larger container? The answer is not.

The large container doesn’t have an ideal portion for daily feeding. Meanwhile, the feeding process has to be done one-stop. If we use a large container, the process of open-close the cover will make the silage exposed by the oxygen. The rest of the forage will be damaged, and you will be out of forage. 

To make the feeding process more efficient is by dividing the silage into small parts, press it into bales, and wrap them. Estimate each bale for daily feeding. When the feeding time has come, take one bale and make sure the livestock eat it all. If the livestock is already full, it is okay because the rest won’t be as much as if you use a large container. 

Minimum Waste, Minimum Loss 

By having the right portion of forage for the livestock, the waste is being minimized. By minimizing the waste, effectiveness is achieved. Imagine how much you can save by applying this simple step. 

Many farmers still think about silage film price in China and how can the cost is covered. After dividing the forage into small portions, the calculation results in an amazing number. The livestock is more healthy because, in small portions, the silage is always in good condition. The film protects it well from the bad outside effect. The good health of the animals significantly cut the medication budget. Thus, the cost is covered with this saving. 

The Key To Successful Farmland Business 

When talking about business, there are some aspects and factors that have to be thought about. However, the business in farmland is a little bit different from the other business. This one deal with the animals that have dynamic characteristics. Like humans, animals have alterations in their lives. 

For example, their appetite. When they are in a growth spurt, they will eat a lot more forage than usual. Or, if they’re in the recovery time after being sick, they also need more forage. Calculating the need for food of animals cannot be generalized from a month to the others.

Hence, farmers have to have a plan B or backup plan in case to face excessive spending. Besides that main and backup plan, 3 basics keys precede, they are good forage raw materials, best preservation, and best feeding quality. Those three are not just the feeding success key, but for the whole farmland business. Good material results in good forage, good forage results in high-quality feeding, and high-quality feeding can do two things at once: promote milk production and maintain the animals’ health. 

To reach good preservation, silage film becomes one of the prominent tools. It is not too much if it is said that the film is the basic key to the farmland business success.

Silage Price In China, Valuable Or Not? 

The price always becomes an issue in any business, including the farmland business. The calculation should be done carefully and regard the functions. The silage film could protect the forage from any environmental influence, for example, liquid manure, fertilizer, agrochemical, pesticide, UV light, and oxygen. With that strong endurance, the price is worth what you get.

A roll of the film could cover 27-30 bales (with four layers per bale). If 6 layers are applied in each bale, then one roll of film could be less than 27. To face the extreme season, some bales might need an extra layer that makes a roll of the film covers 20s bales. 

The amount of bales that one roll could wrap is also depended on the thickness of the film. The film has a various thickness that suits any need. With the number of bales that could be wrapped, the thickness varies, and the dimension varies, silage price in China is valuable. 


If you’re looking for information on silage prices in China, you are in the right place. Silopak will give you the detail of the specification and the price in your country. Our products are highly reputable for the resistance against the environmental influence of both dry and wet matter. 

Our agriculture wrap film has fulfilled the international standard, so Silopak is always ready to equip your farmland business from any country you’re from. With the affordable and reasonable silage film price in China, your farmland business will give a high profit.