Silage Film Manufacturer in Australia New Zealand Turkey Korea Poland Ukraine Ireland UK China

Although Australia produces a variety of harvests, they can’t produce them for the entire year because their weather did not allow them to do so, and most of the plantations are outdoors. Only a small number of farmers choose to use greenhouse farming, and most of them only produce crucial products such as fruit and vegetables that are fragile to extreme weather. 

Silage Film Manufacturer in Australia, Why is it Important?

Why Australian farmers need silage film? Australia has an extreme weather change; some are are too hot that the land turns into desert. In Australia silage film are divided into several types including net, bailing, and cover, each of them are used for different purposes. 

Just like any other silage film that other manufacturers produce, Silage film manufacturers in Australia is also made products that are suitable for outdoor farming in extreme weather environments. Since the weather in Australia is mostly unpredictable, the quality of the silage film becomes crucial and needs to fit this extreme condition. 

Silage film manufacturer in Australia is now developing silage film that fit this condition, where the products are designed with thicker layers to ensure the durability of the products. Most silage films in Australia are made through 7 layers of construction because it is seen as the perfect number for Australian weather. The silage film should not be too thick or too thin because silage film should also be flexible and stretch easily to cover a wider plantation area.

Grass Silage Moisture silage film wrap

Why Silage Film Manufacturers in Australia Develop 3 – 7 Layers of Silage Film?

Silage film manufacturer in Australia develops 3 – 7 layers of silage film to fit Australian condition. The total layers of silage film are equal to 25 microns with a plastic core. The first reason why the silage film is developed into that thickness is its high puncture resistance capability that stands for more than a year.

Applying puncture resistance silage film in Australian agriculture is required because thin silage film might break easily after a couple of months due to extreme weather change in Australia. With thick layers of construction for silage film, farmers don’t have to replace the silage film during the early plantation as it may stand for a long period.

What is the Benefit of Thick Silage Film?

Thick layers of silage film are also tear-resistant, as its raw material and thickness allow the silage film to stretch. Since it is tear-resistant, it can also cover a wider area which can also cut your budget on plantation preparation. With its puncture and tear resistance, we can also guarantee that the product is also giving maximum UV protection. Tear and puncture on insulation cover become one of the most common problems in outdoor plantation, as the layer is broken as the result of extreme weather or eaten by an insect. However, silage film resistance to tear and puncture makes this problem less occur, unless there is an error during the application. Silage film that is resistant to both usually has better performance in giving UV protection because it gives no room for air, water, and even UV rays to enter the layers of silage film.

Silage film manufacturers in Australia also develop a product that works well with the bale, as it is sealing the bale completely while maintaining the smooth layer feature. More importantly, silage film with thick layers construction is excellent in improving the dart drop. 

Suppose thick layers of silage film are capable of dealing with harsh weather in Australia. Does it mean Silage film manufacturer in Australia produces better products than the rest of the world?

Choosing Silage Film

In choosing the silage film, it is not about where you purchase it. Each country has its climate and plantation environment that becomes the main background of producing the silage film. In choosing the silage film, the first thing that you need to consider is the purpose of the silage film. Are you going to is for wrapping or agricultural insulation? What kind of plant that you have in mind? How wide will your plantation area be? How long will you use the silage film? Will the plantation area in extreme tropical conditions or in limited plantation time, such as an area with four different seasons. The detail of your plantation plan should be count into consideration before buying the silage film manufacturers in Australia.