Buy silage film in the USA Wholesale price manufacturer supplier America

Silage film in the USA is highly used to preserve the forage in farms. This is sometimes ignored by the new cattlemen. People who just start their experience in husbandry rely on the fresh leaves and crops around. This kind of feeding method can only survive for several months. In certain seasons when there is no fresh leave, the livestock will be starving. To keep the feeding frequency balance, forage preservation is needed. The new cattlemen might see some degradation of the milk production if the nutrition of the dairy farm animals is not fulfilled. This causes the other loss that is the profit loss.

Silage as a Great Forage Alternative

In husbandry, there are some kinds of forage. Usually, the farmer chooses the forage depends on what the animals could eat. However, if only one kind is chosen, the nutrition might be fully fulfilled. 

Among the other forage, silage is a great alternative to be the livestock’s staple food. From the nutrition point of view, silage that contains more than one kind of plant has complete substance to promote the livestock’s health. From the technical point of view, the production of this forage is more efficient. The machine that is now more sophisticated than the old-time makes the process is easier. The labor fee can also be well managed because of the good machine that can replace some human job.

With the acidification and the silage film in the USA that wraps it well, the silage could stay fresh for a long time. When feeding the animal with the fresh material, they might leave remnants when they’re already full. This will not last even for tomorrow and has to be thrown away. Meanwhile, if you make silage, the material will last for a long time. A material loss can be avoided. By avoiding material loss, the profit will be increased.

Process of Making Silage

Before starting to make silage, here are five things to be noticed. The five things are the population of the bacteria, the carbohydrates of the material, the air permeability, the chop quality, and the moisture level. The acidification to fermentation process needs approximately three weeks. In this time, the 4 phases will be passed. However, if the result has not been satisfying, one more phase can be added.

First Phase

This phase aims to get rid of oxygen. After the material is cut from its main plant, the chopped leaves still need oxygen. For about 3 hours, this phase will be finished. This process involved the carbohydrates in the chopped leaves and oxygen around. During the three hours of the process, heat, water, and carbon dioxide are produced. (The ideal process’s heat is no more than 20 F higher than the usual temperature).

Second Phase

Bacteria that grow without the presence of oxygen multiply themselves. They change the carbohydrates in the chopped leaves to become acetic acid. This change is the important initial process of silage fermentation.

Third Phase

The first and second phases were done in two days. After that, on the third day, lactic acid is produced along with carbon dioxide, mannitol, ethanol, and acetic acid.

Fourth Phase

In this phase, the production of the whole lactic acid reaches its peak. This phase takes three weeks to be finished.

Wrapping and Storage

After the whole phase is done, the silage is ready to be baled and wrapped with silage film in the USA. In this process, oxygen is not allowed to contact the silage for a long time to avoid oxidation. The maximum time for those two things to contact is two hours. If the silage is exposed longer than the tolerable time, the mold and yeast could come. 

If possible, it’s better to use the baler machine that has dual functions (baling and wrapping). With that kind of machine, you don’t need to worry about the oxygen exposure that can be minimized perfectly.

The wrapped silage bales are now ready to be stored. It is suggested to store in an indoor room. The weather change and the sunlight might have an effect. However, the bad effect is degraded by the strong film. So, if you’re out of indoor space, a semi-outdoor is still okay.

The Best Film for Silage

Many farmers are still searching for the best silage to boost their business and their finance. From the economy and the quality point of view, Silopak has the nicest silage film in the USA. Silopak only uses good materials that have been screened for quality control. We also offer very reasonable prices that can bring good value to your financial saving. 

We have been providing various wraps for agriculture since 2011 and still counting until now. Our loyal clients are from many different countries. Be successful with us in the farming industry. Use only our best silage film in the USA.