Round Bale Film, Fermented Feed Preservation Wrap

Is your farm constantly terrorized by rats chomping on the bale that you’ve so diligently collected over time? Is the hay you’ve gathered falling prey to crows pecking on what you’ve intended as the primary feed for your livestock? These are classic problems faced by farmers. And if you are under such condition, perhaps it’s time for you to up your game, get a round bale film, and watch how those pesky little varmints fall into desperation from lacking food. It is time for you to tell them enough with the thievery and show them a way out of your precious farm, once and for all. 

How Round Bale Film Can Help Your Farm

At first, this might sound too good to be true. After all, there is no way a simple wrap can stop those persistent rodents and annoying birds from taking your livestock feed, right? Well, it’s at least a good start, you know? See, by properly sealing the bale inside a tight wrap, you can prevent the odors of the feed from going out, inviting all sorts of uninvited guests. A round bale film keeps its content neatly tucked inside, providing extra protection against extraneous annoyances.

But the fun does not stop right there. A round bale film is a neat solution to preserving fermented feed intended for consumption by cattle. See, it’s fermented. Fermented goods, if left unattended, will continue to decompose. What remains next is a heap of disgusting decaying materials, unsuitable for the cattle to eat. If somehow you manage to make the animals eat this garbage, they will eventually fall sick. 

Sick cattle, my friend, aren’t something you can expect anything good from. They will be too sick to produce milk, wool, or be slaughtered for meat in the process. And it all began with you failing to take good care of their food. 

Again, it may be hard to believe how something as simple as a round bale film can prevent this entire nightmare from ever happening. But you need to use it yourself so that the results can be observable and satisfying. 

The Benefits of Using Round Bale Film

There are many advantages to be derived from using a round bale film.

  • The layer of film provides a wrapping mechanism that provides convenience for the farmers. Baling wouldn’t be a massive undertaking that requires a lot of time to complete. Simply roll the bale up in the wrap, and you are good to go.
  • The film allows for extra protection against rodents and birds. Provided that the wrapping material is sturdy enough, no amount of rodents and birds can penetrate the seal. You can retrieve a batch of the bales, open it up, and feed the content to the cattle.
  • The wrap keeps the content fresh and healthy. This is ultimately helpful when the bale you produce is composed of fermented plant parts. The tight seal of the film wraps will keep moisture out, preventing decay and decomposition.

But there is one major thing that you need to keep in mind when selecting a round bale film product for this purpose: It needs to be safe, material-wise. Some materials contain chemicals that could be dangerous when they come in touch with the bale. Said toxins could seep from within the film and get mixed with the plant parts unbeknownst to you. 

When it comes the time for you to feed the cattle, you unknowingly feed them with tarnished feed that could pose a risk to their overall health. Maybe not immediately, but regular consumption of tainted feed will eventually lead to health problems sooner or later. The moment you realize the life of your cattle is at risk, it might all too late for you to do anything significant. 

One Tip on Round Bale Film that Might be Useful

At Silopak, on the other hand, we work to offer farmers all around the world quality products, including round bale film wraps. We can offer you peace of mind with our film wraps that are produced using virgin materials. This way, we can help prevent your feet from getting mixed with toxins, which will be dangerous for your cattle to eat. Also, we offer products in a variety of sizes. This makes it convenient for you to choose one that is suitable for any kind of volume of bale you produce.