bale Net Wrap Manufacturer in Canada

Canada is a country with husbandry as one of the farmland businesses. Hence, a net wrap manufacturer in Canada is needed. The jobs that are related to the husbandry raise. You can see it from the job lists on the internet. In Vancouver, an animal care technician is needed. In Agassiz, a dairy farmworker is needed with an hourly salary. And in Hamilton, an elephant handler is needed to manage the feeding time and to clean the elephant’s living area. Those jobs have a good salary. It is promising to concern on farmland business in Canada.

How Canadians Make Hay?

We might wonder how the other people in other areas do what we usually do. Is it the same, or do they have their own way? After observing many vlogs on how to make bale in Canada, there is no difference from the other areas. The difference lies in time and the natural thing. However, the method is the same as the other. 

Start with cutting the crops. To dry the crops, the farmers will let them be exposed to the sun for several days. Then the dried crops are pressed and baled with a baler machine. The last is wrapping the bale with the net wrap that is produced by net wrap manufacturer in Canada.

The Kind Of Forage That Is Usually Used

Not far different from the other area, Canada also uses some kind of crops. Sometimes there is confusion in differentiating hay from straw. Although the two kinds of forage look alike, they are completely different. Hay is a very nutritious grass. The reason why hay is more nutritious and more expensive than straw is that hay is made while the plant is in a healthy and fresh condition. Then, it is harvested to make forage. Meanwhile, straw is something left from a plant after the prominent part is harvested.

Besides the dried forage, there is wet forage that is preserved with fermentation. This kind of fodder is named silage. Giving balanced nutrition to the livestock is important. They will be in good and healthy condition. With the fit condition, they can always be productive. For dairy farms, the livestock will always produce a good amount of milk. 

It is a dream of every farmland businessman to have constant profit (even higher in some events). Hence, although the price of the forage is various, each has its own function and benefit. It is okay to spend a little more budget on the forage to keep the livestock healthy.

Round Or Square Bales?

The shape of the bales doesn’t affect the nutrition. Storing the bales in squares or rounds will make the nutrition level the same. However, the shape affects the working time for the farmers. Moving the bales here and there is a heavy job. It is also time-consuming. One big round bale is equal to 20 small square bales. Making them as one big round bale makes the job that is actually be done by 3 people to be a one-person job. With the help of a tractor, one person can move one big round bale.

For a small farm, the moving activity might not bring a big effect. However, for big farmland or husbandry, or for forage businessmen that sell a hundred bales in a day, it really makes a drastic difference. The time saving and the efficiency of the worker amount cut the significant budget and make the business more profitable. 

For a large farm with a lot of livestock, a round bale is more efficient. But there is no need to worry about the small husbandry, there is still square bales production. The variety of the bales serve any need for hay. That gives profit to the producers and gives benefits to the buyers.

Net Wrap Manufacturer In Canada

Because the need for net wraps in Canada raises, a good net wrap manufacturer in Canada is searched by the farmers. However, not all manufacturers produce products of standard quality. Great demand doesn’t mean that people can accept any quality. Be aware of this. The characteristics of the nice factory are honest in giving the item information. If the material used is X, they’ll say X. The price is also reasonable and worth the value.

So, have you found a good net wrap manufacturer?