Maize Grains to Dairy Cows, Cattle Feed

There are various types of cereal fodder crops that you can give your dairy cows. The one that is considered the best is maize grain because it has high energy content and can increase dairy cows’ milk production and reproductive performance.

Important Aspects of Feeding Maize Grains to Dairy Cows

Several important aspects need to be considered if you want to use it as feed for dairy cows. Here is the information.

Nutrient Composition

Maize grains contain higher nutrients than other types of grains like barley or wheat. Its energy content is 13.5 MJME/kgDM, and it has 8% crude protein, 9% neutral detergent fiber, and 75.1% soluble sugars and starches.


The type of supplement given to the diet can affect the additional components of the milk solids. For example, if the type of supplement given is sugar-based, the composition of milk solids contains more protein and lactose. Whereas if the type of supplement given is fiber-based, the composition of milk solids contains more fat.


Make sure the storage area for maize grains is free from mold or insects, as this can not only reduce intake but also cause health problems for dairy cows and the quality of the milk produced. Also, make sure you store it in an airtight bag at room temperature with the right humidity.

The Processing

After going through processing, the digestibility value of grain feed generally increases by 5-15%. The main purpose of processing corn grains is to produce consistent particle sizes (reducing the number of overly fine particles as well as the number of whole grains). Why should fine particles be reduced? Because when eaten, it is digested too quickly by rumen bacteria, so the risk of fluctuations in rumen pH is very high.

Feeding Rates

There are several rates of feeding as it depends on the age and level of milk production of the dairy cows. In addition, the amount and type of other feed combined in the diet also greatly affects it. It is recommended for a maximum feeding rate to contain 38% total soluble carbohydrates and 30% total starch in whole foods (grass plus supplements). If the diet is only pasture-based, the maximum amount of maize grain given is 30% of the total dry matter intake.

Preferably, the feeding rate is lowered when applied to a diet where the food contains other sources of carbohydrates such as other grains, molasses, kiwi fruit, and potatoes. In one meal, a maximum of 2.5 kg DM of corn grains should be given.

Cleanliness of Feeding Area and Ease of Access

Things that must be considered:

  • Make sure the feeding area is kept clean by regularly cleaning the feed box so that there is no buildup of old feed that may have been moldy.
  • Make sure the feeding area is large enough to feed multiple cows at once.
  • Make sure the surface of the feeding box is smooth and not perforated so that the cows do not have difficulty eating.
  • Make sure the guardrail does not prevent the cows from eating as much as they want.
  • The feeding box should be easily accessible, without sharp or pointed edges that might injure cows.
  • Make sure fresh feed is always available on time.

Supply of Clean and Fresh Water

Water intake is as important as feed intake. To make it easier for cows to digest maize grains, make sure a supply of clean and fresh water is always available. You should place the water box in a separate place and some distance from the sleeping mat and the feed box to avoid contamination. However, make sure the cow can still reach it easily. Do not forget to keep the water box clean regularly.

Those are all important aspects that you should pay attention to if you want to use maize grains as your dairy cows feed.

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