Benefits of Lucerne for Sheep, how to wrap silage film

Giving lucerne for sheep is very common and even highly recommended. Breeders from generation to generation cultivate this type of grass in pastures so that sheep herding activities occur optimally, especially in fulfilling nutritional intake for livestock. So what are the benefits of this one green plant, and how do you process it into nutritious fermented feed?

As we know, in general, healthy feed for livestock is divided into several types, including supplements made from lucerne for sheep, grain formulations, and straw that is compacted and wrapped in silage film. Silage can also be made from grasslands or green feed and concentrates made from various materials such as oats, sorghum, corn, wheat, and other supplements.

In this article, we will specifically discuss lucerne for sheep, its benefits, and how to make it into silage so that you can supply fermented feed with high nutrition in the dry season. You should also know how to get the best quality film silage quickly. 

Benefits and Important Facts about Lucerne for Sheep

Among the many choices of feed ingredients for livestock, lucerne for sheep is one of the most recommended types of plants. Here are some important facts and benefits that you should know about this green plant:

Nutritional Content in Lucerne for Sheep

This green plant is high in crude protein, which is around 22-27 percent throughout the year, and low in fiber in the range of 32-40 percent. Various studies have shown that the protein content in lucerne is better than perennial ryegrass, high fescue, and chicory. This supports optimal weight gain in sheep.

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How to Give Lucerne to Sheep

Lucerne is usually sprawled out in lush pastures, so you can easily feed your sheep so they can eat this plant to their heart’s content. But you can also make it into high-nutrition silage wrapped in silage film from the best suppliers.

Lucerne Side Effects in Livestock

In many cases, overfeeding lucerne to sheep can cause bloating and a sore called “Red-Gut”. Lucerne dominance in the digestive system of livestock will make high-quality feed flow too quickly and cause rumen gas which affects the burping mechanism in sheep.

Therefore, when you want to drive the sheep to the lucerne pastures, or make silage from this material, give it gradually so that the livestock’s intestines can adapt slowly. Never give lucerne to the sheep when they are very hungry.

How to Make Silage with Lucerne

As an alternative high-nutrition feed, you can make silage from this green grass. These plants that thrive in winter can be cut and gathered and then mixed with other materials to make good silage. But you have to pay attention to several things so that lucerne-based silage can support livestock health and productivity.

Here are some things you should pay attention to when you want to make lucerne for sheep silage:

Lucerne Cutting Procedure

During the mowing process, be sure not to damage the plant crown so you can see green grass growing again 7 to 20 days after mowing or grazing. But it’s best if you wait up to 6 weeks for the lucerne to replenish its taproot reserves, then feel free to cut it again for your silage needs.

How to Wrap Silage with Silage Film

After the green grass has been cut and compacted, immediately carry out the next stage, namely wrapping the silage using silage film, bale net wrap, or round bale film. Make sure to work with the best and most credible suppliers so you can get high-quality silage wrappers.

The process of wrapping silage must be done in layers, or if necessary, you can use a special machine. The silage you use should be guaranteed to prevent ultraviolet light from entering the silage and be resistant to punctures and tears.

There are many manufacturers to choose from that provide a variety of devices that breeders need. You should be selective about choosing the best and getting the most affordable price offer.

How to Serve Lucerne Silage for Livestock

The principle is the same as when you drive the sheep to the pastures of lucerne. You can provide lucerne feed in stages so as not to pose a risk that could interfere with the health of the livestock. Do not give lucerne for sheep silage when the animals are very hungry. Instead, you can provide this one feed as an alternative feed to boost productivity on the farm.

Those are some explanations about the benefits of lucerne for sheep and the things you need to pay attention to when you want to make silage with lucerne. In essence, this is a high-nutrition green plant, but you have to pay attention to how to feed it to livestock gradually. You also have to be selective in choosing film silage producers to support the success of making silage.