lucerne for lactation cows cattle feed

Living things need to eat. It is one of the basic needs. As humans, animals need it too. For example, livestock needs a balanced and appropriate intake. In farming, there are many types of cattle food, such as lucerne. But do you know about the value of this lucerne? If you are growing dairy cows, is lucerne good for lactating cows? Check it out.

Knowing More about Lucerne for Lactating Cows

Even though it is already popular in the livestock sector, maybe some of you still don’t know about this. Yes, lucerne has another popular name that is alfalfa. Of course, this is not just any type of food but forage with good nutrition for the growth and development of livestock such as horses or cows. The popularity of this type of food is in line with its development and cultivation throughout the world. If you are looking for a type of fodder with a high protein content, you are recommended to change it to this cattle food.

Then how much protein and other substances are in lucerne? The protein content ranges from 12 to 20 percent. A fairly high number if it is compared to other types of feed resources. Another advantage is the ability of animals to digest this type of food. Digestibility is very high; this type of food is suitable for livestock to maintain a certain weight and a healthy body.

Protein in food is a substance that is very useful for maintaining a healthy body and supporting growth, including maintaining the body and muscles of the body. Because it is easy to digest, it means that the livestock gets more nutrients from the consumption of lucerne. The direct effect of the farming system is savings in the cost of fodder for livestock. Lucerne also contains other substances that are important for the body besides protein, such as minerals and vitamins, including calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A and D.

In addition to body growth and health, livestock also needs a healthy digestive system. Consumption of foods rich in fiber is good for growth; lucerne is rich in fiber. The intestines will work properly and avoid colic. If your livestock looks obese, you can choose lucerne because the animals will feel full and satisfied and avoid many other health problems. 

It also answers the question is lucerne good for lactating cows. It is exactly yes. Of course, with certain limitations in lucerne production, maintaining milk production remains high. Then what good lucerne for dairy cows should be like?

Total Mixed Ration for Dairy Cow

Is Lucerne Good for Lactating Cows? How Much Do They Need a Day?

After giving birth, dairy cows will experience a strong natural urge to produce milk. This occurs especially in cows that produce high enough milk. During lactation, cows need the right feed to support milk production, which continues to increase. Cattle feed during lactation must contain protein. Feeding for cows that are in lactation must be adjusted to their body weight. This is because the feed can affect the amount of milk produced and the fat content contained in the milk.

Lucerne is a type of dry feed that contains fiber and protein, which are effective in helping growth and milk production in cows. Besides that, lucerne has the benefit of stimulating the rumen. What is the mechanism? Stems in lucerne stimulate the rumen to repair and keep the digestive system healthy. Lucerne can also be digested easily and more quickly even though the rumen is full.

Feed for dairy cows is classified into three types, namely: forage, legumes (as a staple food), and concentrate (as a complement and extra nutrition). Here is the explanation for lucerne giving for lactating cows. The safe limit for a dairy cow to consume lucerne is 2 to 5 kg. Evaluation of milk production. If necessary, other types of dry feed can be added. Another amazing result, lucerne can increase the fat content in cow’s milk by up to 40%.

There are also special rules for pregnant cattle. He will need more intake when giving birth. Of course, this is because the baby needs more protein, and again lucerne is rich in protein. The protein content is good for the growth and development of the generation. So, is lucerne good for lactating cows? Lucerne is good for them. Certainly, breeders need to give more attention to the amount of feeding.

In choosing animal feed, including lactating cows, it is necessary to pay attention to its nutritional value and digestibility. So far lucerne is the ideal type of feed to help optimal growth and milk production in dairy cows. We are concerned about helping the growth of livestock by providing the best feed.

Not limited to dairy cows, lucerne is also good for growing calves or adult cows raised for work and others. So, stop being doubtful about whether is lucerne good for lactating cows. The nutritional content we mean is energy, protein, and fiber. Besides helping growth and development and maintaining health, from an economic point the use of lucerne can reduce the feed cost for livestock but with proven feed quality.