Ruminant Feed, Nutrition For Cattle feed fermented grass

Frequently asked the question: is buffalo grass good for cattle? The lives of cattle and other livestock are important. Their lives are very beneficial for humans. That is why people who are an enthusiast of husbandry keep searching for the most valuable fodder. Talking about buffalo grass as the fodder ingredient, it is stated that some species eat this green grass. This tough grass is famous to be one of the most beneficial green grass in the world.

The Quality To Consider Good Or Bad

Many species that eat this grass are prairie dogs, bison, and deer with white tails. The reputation had been built for a long time. Here are some qualities to decide whether this grass is good or not.

However, one important thing that has to be remembered is the content of the nutrient (the amount) could be different depending on the condition (the lawn, water, disturbance) and season. The following is the nutrient content of buffalo grass in standard conditions.


The grass has this substance for a low amount. It is about 0.1% to 0.2%.


A little higher than the previous one, the calcium in this plant is between 0.2% to 0.3%.

Crude Fiber

This is the substance that is needed digestive system. The crude fiber in this plant is 30% to 40%.

Crude Protein

To energize the muscle and for growth, this is prominent. It is about 6% up to 8%.

By comprehending the data, it can be concluded that the high amount is fiber. The protein content is low, even lower than the other kind of grass.

But, the amount of fiber pushes this grass to be in front and easy to process in cattle’s digestive system. Yes, Buffalo grass is good for cattle. This is considered to be one of the main fodder for cattle. The TDN or total digestible nutrient reaches 60% to 65% which means that this plant is categorized as cattle’s excellent energy source.

Things We Have to Know

After answering a confusing at once popular question (is buffalo grass good for cattle), we can conclude one thing that this grass is worth grabbing. To make you more comfortable in getting this grass, you can grow it yourself. Buffalo grass has two methods to grow, they are from sod and seed. The fun fact and interesting thing are that once the grass is settled, it doesn’t need fancy maintenance. Only simple care is needed. The step to grow buffalo grass are:


Although this tiny little grass doesn’t need complicated maintenance, the time to grow it has to be right. The best times are early summer and the late spring. Both times have the most perfect temperature. The grass belongs to the warm season so the ideal temperature is 60oF.

The Location

Back to its nature to be a warm-season plant, the ideal location to plant this grass is an area with sunlight access.

The Soil

Prepare the drainage well because this grass might not survive in the poorly drained area. The soil pH for planting the grass requires 6 and 7.5. If the soil does not meet the requirement, use sulfur or lime to reach the ideal pH. Clean the area of dirt and unwanted things. Then, till the soil.


The seed needed for every 1,000 square feet is 2 pounds. Sow them well in an ideal amount that has been stated before, rake the seed, then tamp the soil to make sure the seed is well contacted with the soil.


Although this grass is said to be drought tolerant, it does not run in this early process. During seed germination, the moisture level of the soil is important. Keep the soil moist for about 2 to 3 weeks. After the germination process, reduce the watering schedule. Once per week is enough to keep the grass alive and growing. Based on the minimum treatment needed when it is settled, some farmers might give a ‘yes’ answer on is buffalo grass good cattle.


This grass is not like a flowering plant that needs fertilizer all the time. However, the absence of fertilizers is also not good either. A light application of nitrogen is good for the grass. Per 1,000 square feet, it only needs 0.25 pounds.


Buffalo grass is one of the cattle’s forage. With good nutrient content, it can compete with other kinds of fodder. This grass has some quality, they are no special treatment needed (after the germination process), high drought tolerant and strong. It can be one of the options to be cattle’s staple fodder.

During winter, this grass will slow down its growth. This plant will be in dormant mode during that season. The regrowing process will happen in the following spring. So, the answer to the question is buffalo grass good for cattle would be yes, but if there is another question about the best, it is not.

High Season Alert
High volume of orders in August and September, hope to receive your order in advance