How Do You Grow Cowpea Fodder? The Beginner Guides!

Cowpea is a type of bean that is quite popular in the world. This bean has a variety of different names in each region. Plants originating from Africa can be grown in areas with warm day and night temperatures. The planting period is also short, only about 2 to 3 months. Its utilization varies, commonly used as a source of vegetables, processing its seeds for various uses, or as an ingredient in animal feed. So, how do you grow cowpea fodder? Here are the guides.

How Do You Grow Cowpea Fodder? Talking More about Its Cultivation

Cowpea cultivation is not too complicated. This plant can adapt to a variety of soil types, from sandy soil to well-draining clay soil. However, these plants prefer lighter soils, which allow their roots to develop properly. This plant can grow in a wide pH range including very acid soils (pH equal to 4) with low fertility, as well as very alkaline and heavy textured soils.

Cowpea has moderate drought resistance, but excess soil water is detrimental and reduces growth, and creates ideal conditions for fungal infection. It also adapts well to a wide range of precipitation. How do you grow cowpea fodder? For forage, preferably growing in rainfall of 750-1100 mm. While, as a human food ingredient, it is better to grow the cowpea in annual rainfalls as low as 400 mm. Please, remember to avoid prolonged waterlogging and poor irrigation.

As a food source, cowpea has a fairly high and complete nutritional content. The energy and protein content is high enough so that it is not only good for humans but also livestock. Apart from that, cowpea seeds also contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin C. We can use cowpea seeds as a raw material for making some food. When the price of soybeans, for example, is getting more expensive, cowpea can be an alternative.

Cowpeas Planting Guide

So, how you grow cowpea fodder? If you are a beginner and are interested in planting cowpeas, here’s a guide.

  • Seed planting can be started after the winter is over by scattering the seeds into the soil ready for planting.
  • Pay attention to the spacing between one hole and another. At least 3 feet apart while each seed is sown 2 inches deep.
  • Do not just plant the seeds, make sure the eye of the seed is facing the ground below. This plant can be used as a sideline with other plants such as corn, cucumber, or strawberry.
  • Dry soil is a suitable place to grow besides cowpeas need full sun. Although it is resistant to hot weather, farmers need to water it regularly. Try the water not to touch the leaves directly.
  • Fertilization is recommended after just finished planting. This is to accelerate growth. If it grows successfully, it naturally doesn’t need fertilizer anymore. However, you can apply nitrogen fertilizer when the leaves look wilted or pale.

Various types of cowpea plants have high variation in their reproductive development. Some may begin to flower 30 days after early planting and are ready to harvest with the seeds dry 25 days later, other types may take more than 90 days to flower, and up to 210–240 days to mature.

Cowpea Fodder’s Nutritional Values

There are many benefits of cowpea. After being harvested, these beans can be used for making straw and can also be given directly to livestock as forage. Another process calls for cowpea mixed with sorghum or corn to make silage. People also use it for food. Although cowpea is also popular for fodder. So, how do you grow cowpea fodder is one of the benefits of many of it.

Have you ever heard of the benefits of cowpea as green manure for plants? Cowpeas can also be a plant that is planted with other plants together. Regarding their nutritional content, cowpea holds some beneficial values. Cowpea green feed has better nutrition than other nuts such as soybeans. Low-fiber soybeans are different from cowpeas which have higher fiber.

The protein content in fresh leaves and stalks at the beginning of harvest is 18% and 26% fiber. This plant is also easily digested by livestock. Cowpea is recommended for dairy cows because it can increase milk yield even if you don’t add concentrate. Of course, this is good news that should inspire more breeders.


In conclusion, cowpea can be an alternative feed for various livestock. How do you grow cowpea fodder? A beginner can start by finding as much information as possible about how to plant, care for, and harvest. Optimal land preparation is also very important, including the water needed during the plantation however it will be worth the benefits. You can also make this plant a priority for human food ingredients and then the rest can be given to livestock.