High UV HDPE Wrap silage film

For farmers, saving feed reserves is very important. This is done so as not to worry if, during the rainy season, the livestock lacks feed. The stored feed is usually tightly wrapped in plastic. One of the plastics that is often used is high UV HDPE wrap.

Then why should HDPE type plastic? It is known that HDPE-type plastic is often used by farmers to store their feed reserves. That’s because HDPE has many advantages. One of them is resistant to UV rays. How could that be? Let’s see together the explanation.

Physical Characteristics of HDPE

Previously, you needed to know in advance the physical characteristics of HDPE. One of the characteristics that cause this plastic is high UV HDPE wrap. The first characteristic is that this plastic can withstand a maximum temperature of 120⁰C. Or it will melt at temperatures exceeding 120⁰C. And this material is also resistant to a minimum temperature of -100⁰C. In general, this material is at a normal temperature of 65⁰C.

HDPE is more resistant to UV rays than other types, such as LDPE. However, HDPE also has the potential to be damaged if exposed to UV rays for a very long time. It has a slightly stiff texture and is translucent to light. This is because HDPE has fewer branches than LDPE. Thus, the structure is denser.

High UV HDPE wrap certainly has the same character as the original material, HDPE. Having a color that tends to be opaque is an example of one of its characteristics. This type of plastic has a pretty good ability to deal with changing weather. Therefore, this material is suitable for protecting animal feed. Because in general, animal feed is stored indoors, but not a few are stored outside the room.

Despite having beneficial characteristics, HDPE also has properties that can be detrimental. This, of course, should be brought to the attention of the owner. This type of HDPE plastic is easy to shrink. In addition, this material is also flammable. To anticipate this possibility, you should store it properly. Store in a place that has room temperature, clean, and dry.

HDPE Does Not Decompose in the Sun

High UV HDPE wrap is made of HDPE-type plastic base material. This plastic is made from geothermal heat, which is given a certain amount of heat and pressure. This plastic is often and widely used for various needs, from households and offices to industries and large factories. HDPE melts easily because that is a property of thermoplastics. HDPE is a type of thermoplastic.

Because it has properties that are easy to melt, HDPE is easy to form for various needs. Such as necessities in household kitchens, pipes for industry, and children’s toys. Although it melts easily, this type of plastic has strong, tough, and does not tear easily. However, it is not recommended to use this type at too high a pressure.

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HDPE is Often Used Outdoors

Not only in the livestock world, but high UV HDPE wrap is also used. HDPE, with the characteristics of being able to withstand UV rays, is also applied to several objects. For example, a bench in the park, a table, or a chair. Most of the materials used are HDPE. HDPE is chosen to be made into several items because it is more sturdy than other types.

In addition to being sturdy, this type of plastic is also resistant to fungus, mold and mildew, and discoloration due to bad weather. If the plastic has started to change color due to the weather, you can repaint it like children’s toys made of HDPE. If the color has faded, you can beautify it again by using paint.

High UV HDPE wrap is also not stored outdoors. Because maybe there is too much feedstock. So that breeders can not keep it in one room only. It can be done because this type of plastic can protect feed from hot temperatures up to 120⁰C. And it can also protect feed from extreme temperatures, up to -100⁰C. By using plastic, your animal feed will also avoid the reduction due to falling. Because in general, animal feed is already in the form of chopped grass.

HDPE plastic has a greater thickness than other types, such as LDPE. For that, it is very suitable to protect your feed from rodents. It can also protect against sharp pebbles that can tear your bale of straw. In addition, using plastic for animal feed also makes it easier for you to move feed from one place to another.

Silopak is an experienced manufacturer of high UV HDPE wrap. We provide this product with quality that is not kidding. We serve customers from home to abroad. To get more information about the product, you can contact the phone number listed. You can also get information about the price of this product.