Haylage Wrap For Good Animal Feed

Haylage Wrap Manufacturer and Supplier for Animal Feed

The quality of haylage is highly dependent on the packaging. If the haylage wrap is airtight and safe, then the haylage quality that is already good can last for a long time. Therefore, make sure you source the haylage wrap from a trusted source.

Not a few of the haylage producers find the conditions of haylage wrap unsafe, so there may be losses such as the growth of mold or other microorganisms, the emergence of unpleasant odors, and the burning of haylage. Well, in this review, we will discuss in more detail haylage wrap for good animal feed. So, let’s check it below!

Why Does Haylage Have To Be Wrapped

Haylage that will be stored for a long time or haylage that will be carried on long trips must be wrapped. The biggest reason is so that the quality of the haylage is maintained. Good haylage is haylage that is not brittle; its nutritional content is not reduced, does not rot, is not overgrown with other microorganisms, and does not undergo prolonged fermentation. The existence of this haylage wrapper will also reduce the oxygen levels in the haylage preservation so that the environmental conditions in the bale will be anaerobic.

This haylage wrapping even has to be done with a minimum of 6 – 8 layers. However, you don’t need to worry; the packaging process will be carried out with special tools. The cost of packaging already has its selling price. So it must have been compensation for the manager.

How To Wrap A Good Haylage

The haylage packaging process is not difficult, but for good haylage production quality, you must follow the following good haylage packaging methods:

First, harvest the haylage at the right time. Then wrap the straw properly, namely in a tight plastic seal condition. Make sure the conditions are airtight, and the moisture content is not too high. If this condition is ignored, lactic acid bacteria will arise, which will process the fermentation of the stored forage.

It’s important to know. Harvesting should be done in the morning when the water content of the forage is still around 50-60%. Because then the forage will dry up, and the water content will continue to fall. Meanwhile, the haylage packaging process must be at a certain level of humidity. So, once it reaches the right moisture, the haylage should be wrapped immediately.

Wrapping the haylage for some time after packing will prevent air from entering the package. Ideally, this wrapping is done after 5 hours of haylage has reached the appropriate condition; at most, it can be delayed up to 10 hours.

Requirements For High-Quality Haylage Wrap

The best quality haylage wrap recommended is a wrap that has a plastic thickness of 4 mils. If this new haylage is given to livestock after one year after harvest, then the thickness of the plastic must be eight mils. This plastic film must also have resistance to ultraviolet rays and have a stretch elasticity of up to 50% so that it can have good tear strength and adhesion.

As for the criteria for the haylage wrap mentioned above, it has been completely produced by Silopak. The company focuses on packaging the highest quality animal feed ingredients. You can choose the type of packaging according to your needs. You can also order the plastic film on the packaging as needed.

Tips And Tricks For Haylage Wrap

Here are tips and tricks in haylage packaging. First, use a plastic overlap system on the haylage to make it completely sealed and airtight. Make sure the plastic wrap stretches well and forms a tight seal.

For one pack of bale (dried haylage storage), it is round in shape, up to 4×4 feet or 4×5 feet in length. This aims to reduce the weight of the wet bale. The weight of the bale usually ranges from 900 to 1,300 pounds, depending on the humidity and moisture content.

Finally, store the haylage without breaking the seal, placing the base on the ground, so the plastic doesn’t have holes. Spray weed remover on the land to prevent it from becoming a den for rodents. Thus you have succeeded in making haylage wrap for good animal feed.