Feed Crop, Forage Producing Plant for Animal Feed

A feed crop is a forage-producing plant that is deliberately cultivated from the family Gramineae or grasses and Leguminosae (beans). Feed crops are harvested for livestock consumption. Plants for animal feed contain nutrients needed by farm animals to grow and develop. The plant grows in agricultural fields but may also be found in grasslands and natural meadows. Forage crops are very important for animal husbandry. 

However, farm animals can also be fed directly on forage. Feeding with forage that is cut and given to livestock while it is still fresh is called “green chop”. Meanwhile, forage that is cut, then allowed to dry in the field, and stored is called hay or haylage. Another type of forage is silage, which must go through a fermentation stage. Silage is a suitable type of feed given to cows.

Main Feed Crops

These main feed crops include; corn, wheat, barley, and oats. Each of these plants has different properties; some types of plants are more suitable for the diet of some animals than others. Barley is a more difficult plant to digest and is often given to cows for meat and dairy cows

This is because both types of cows have a hard four-chambered stomach. Barley without the skin is easier to digest and can be fed to pigs or poultry. Looking further, the production of forage crops has indeed increased drastically. This is in line with the increasing demand for meat worldwide. The existence of this phase of increasing feed crop production has also changed the agricultural landscape.

Research results from FAO state that 33 percent of the fertile land on Earth is used to produce food for livestock. This condition causes restrictions on the production of plants for human consumption, especially for deficient people. Forests have been cleared to make pastures so that livestock can graze. The next statement is that nearly 70 percent of the land that has been cleared from the Amazon rainforest has been diverted for grazing.

Animal Feed Category

feed crop is a plant that is intended to be consumed by livestock. Farm animals have various types of food. The categories of animal feed are as follows:

  1. Concentrate, high-energy value animal feed. Feeds that fall into this category are; cereal grains, barley, oats, corn, wheat, rye, flour, soybeans, cottonseed, canola, peanuts.
  2. Fiber, animal feed that has sufficient fiber content. Included in this category are; grasses in meadows, hay, haylage, silage, root crops, and stover or corn stalks.

Silopak Silage Film

If you’re looking to make silage, Silopak is your go-to source. Our range of products ensures your animal feed retains its nutritional value. We specialize in silage-making supplies, offering silage film, hay blades, and haylage blades. Our premium LLDPE silage film, round bale film, and net bale wrap have been satisfying customers worldwide since 2011. We invite you to share your experiences with our products and strive to ensure your satisfaction.

At Silopak, we’re committed to supporting your livestock feeding needs. Choose the right feed type and rely on our silage film for optimal quality and durability, even in extreme weather. Thanks to international certifications and customer feedback, our products have proven longevity, lasting over 18 months.

Cereal grains and their by-products are key components of concentrated feeds. Crops like barley, oats, corn, sorghum, and rye, predominantly grown for animal feed, can be served whole, ground, alone, or mixed with high-protein oil foods and other by-products. Despite a small portion being processed for human consumption, the focus remains on animal feed.

Grain production is tailored to seasonal variations in temperature and humidity, aiming to secure a year-round fodder supply. To prevent sprouting, grains are dried to a 14 percent moisture level and stored safely away from pests. This practice ensures a reliable grain supply for animal feed, spanning at least a year, and prepares for potential crop failures. Select feed crops wisely for your farm animals.