Cereal Plants for Cattle wheat oat barley

Cereal plants are the source of the most extensive group of plants, mostly grown for animal feed. Hay is a very important source of fodder for large ruminants, and cereal stubble is often grazed. Hay that has lost most of its leaves becomes poor roughage feed. A good feed can be made from cereals cut while still leafy. Wheat and barley can be grown for hay. Types of plants that are affected by drought can be made into hay. 

Are Wheat, Oats, and Barley Good and Nutritious Cereal Plants for Cattle?

Small grain cereals are stapled crops of temperate and subtropical climatic zones that grow both in winter and at high altitudes. Wheat is the main cereal. Meanwhile, barley is important for the manufacture of malting, human food, and livestock. Also important are oats and rye, mostly in cool areas with low soil fertility. Oats are also widely grown for animal feed. There are many types of plants that fall into the category of cereal or grain plants.

1. Wheat

Wheat is a cereal plant that can be grown using a mixed technique, which is grown with twisted annual legumes such as peas and vetches. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the growth cycle of the two plants; they must have an appropriate cycle. If the cycles are different, the legumes will dry out and crumble before the wheat enters the cutting phase.

Wheat makes a useful nurse crop to grow with winter clover, such as; Egyptian clover, Trifolium alexandrinum. Use a light seed count to give the clover enough light to grow. Wheat that is characterized by faster growth and more resistance to cold will provide an early cut in the season when clover growth is slow or even stalled.

Wheat is a tall annual cereal that is widely grown as animal feed in various temperate and subtropical countries. However, wheat can also grow well in the tropics with highlands. Wheat is not only used as animal feed but also for human consumption. Wheat is also used for grazing and conservation. 

The timing of sowing varies greatly, depending on the climate in which the wheat is grown. In winter areas, wheat germ is sown in the spring. In temperate climates, wheat is sown in autumn and spring. In the Mediterranean and subtropical regions, wheat germ is planted in the fall for hay. In the tropics with highlands, wheat seeds will be sown at the beginning of the rainy season.

2. Oats

The next cereal plants are oats, a type of grain plant that is often mixed with vetches, peas for hay, and silage. Those of you who want to make silage for animal feed need silage film. Feel free to use our products. We provide a variety of products to meet the needs of livestock and farming. 

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3. Barley

Barley is used in various countries with temperate and subtropical climates as animal feed. Barley is not as good as wheat for hay or grazing. However, barley is valuable for both dry and high-altitude areas. Coarse barley has a less pleasant taste when compared to other cereal plants. Barley can cause damage to the mouth of livestock, so it must be given with care and consideration. 

Barley sown in the fall can be grazed in winter, or early spring, provided the grazing is not too long. Barley has the characteristics of fast ripening and is more drought-resistant than wheat. Barley is more compatible with mild soil conditions. Barley is widely used for animal feed in West Asia and Central Asia.

Cereal plants or grain plants are a group of plants that use seeds or grains as a source of carbohydrates. Most of these cereal plants are members of the grain tribe, among others; corn, barley, wheat, rye, and more. Cereals are cultivated on a large scale in various regions around the world because they can be used as a source of energy for humans and livestock. In some developing countries, cereals can be the main or even the only source of carbohydrates.