Cattle Feed, Forage Crops, Straw, Whole Crop Cereals

To deal with winter, farmers will usually evaluate the feed management. They will check stock availability, and if the results are not enough, they will look for the best alternative cattle feed.

What are the best options? Here is the explanation.

Best Cattle Feed Options

In general, some cattle feed options that are considered healthiest for winter include


Straw is very suitable as an option to fill the gap in the needs of forage in winter. It has a high dry matter, can be purchased in bulk, and is very easy to store and handle. 

However, please note that straws have a consistently low protein content, 4-5% CP. So you have to provide additional protein, especially rumen degradable protein (which is abundant in the grass). Especially when the amount of food needed per day is more than 1.5 kg/head.

Prioritize straw-based feeds for dry cattle that have the lowest nutritional requirements in the herd. Do not forget to give them extra protein, minerals, and vitamins to keep them healthy.

Whole Crop Cereals

The nutritional values ​​of whole crop cereals depend on several factors, such as the type of cereal, the harvest stage, and the preservation method. Wheat, in general, has a higher value than barley and oats.

Fermented whole crop cereals usually have a lower dry matter, crude protein, and starch content (35-40%, 7-9%, and 15-25%, respectively) than urea-treated whole crop cereals, which have 50-65% dry matter content, 14-20% crude protein content and 25-30% starch content.

Grass Forage for Cattle, Net wrap, Silage wrap

Forage Crops

Choosing forage crops such as brassica, including kale, forage radishes, stubble radishes, and fodder beets as feed are not only the best choice but can also save you significant costs. Forage plants are known to have good energy and protein values ​​and can produce up to 70% of cattle’s daily dry matter intake.

Brassica is low in fiber, so it is best to combine grass plants such as hay to help maintain optimal rumen function. Please note that additional minerals and supplements are also needed because brassica is also low in phosphorus, magnesium, and other minerals such as iodine, selenium, and copper.

Forage crops are very suitable for cattle feed in winter, especially for beef cattle, dairy cattle, and dry cattle. It is recommended not to feed dry cows forage in the last three weeks before calving due to the high calcium content.

Maize Silage

Despite being low in protein, around 8-9%, maize silage is rich in starch and has consistently high energy value. For optimal protein intake, do not forget to provide additional protein.

You also have to give additional supplements so that the cattle get adequate mineral intake because the content of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and copper in maize silage is relatively low. Maize silage is very suitable for cattle feed in the early to mid-lactation stages.

Feeding Cattle Tips

Cattle require adequate intake of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to support their growth, milk production, reproduction and pregnancy, and immune system. It is recommended to consult an animal nutritionist before you use alternative feeds so that nutritional intake can be maintained.

Make sure you test each alternative feed source first and adjust the alternative feed to the nutritional needs for gender, age, body condition, and production stage of the cattle being fed. For example, hay is classified as an inexpensive alternative feed but requires many more supplements to meet the energy, protein, and minerals need optimally for the growth of cattle at a certain stage.

High-quality silage film

In producing maize silage, it is recommended that you use a high-quality silage film to protect it well from many factors that can reduce its nutritional value, like sun exposure or molds. If you do not know where to get it, you can get it from Silopak. Besides silage film, we also provide bale net wrap and round bale film.

To assure you, we have more than ten years of experience as a specialist global silage film manufacturer. All of our products are manufactured according to international standards and are available in various sizes that you can choose according to your needs.

Needless to say, our products are perfect for maintaining the quality of your cattle feed. Let’s order now! We are ready to serve you.