Corn is the one of staple food liked by livestock. It can be fulfilled the requirement of the livestock as an energy source, is easy to store, can be produced on a large scale, is easy to use with other food ingredients, and corn is a good source of carotene. The...
Do you know the difference, is stylo a grass or a legume? Maybe you are already familiar with this green plant and even rely on it as animal feed. But insight into the stylo will complement the friendly interaction with this green plant. This article will specifically...
Various forages for livestock are available in the market. One of them is gliricidia tree fodder. Do you know what type of feed it is? Maybe for breeders, already familiar with the feed. But ordinary people may wonder. How about the tree, the leaves, to the processing...
Forage is a major requirement in animal husbandry, especially ruminants. At least, forage feed is needed for as much as 95% of the total feed given. One type of grass forage is Co-4 grass. This is one type of grass whose existence is easy to find. This type of feed...
People who see blue buffalo grass are usually amazed by its beauty. The color and the furry texture of the flower make it the child’s favorite grass to play with. Besides the beauty of the look, this grass has quality as fodder for the cattle. The grass can...
Para grass is a tall and perennial grass that can be seen in some areas. The three original areas of this plant are the Middle East (some parts), central Africa, and northern Africa. Starting from those three big areas, the world demand made it famous. This grass can...