Biodegradable Silage Film lldpe supplier china mexico usa australia

Why farmers use biodegradable silage film? Recent studies indicate that the agricultural industry may contribute to a recent increase in waste due to modern technology that is applied in agricultural practice and fertilizer. As a result, some measures are taken into consideration in choosing agricultural applications and tools to minimize the environmental impact. 

One of the approaches that farmers choose is the use of biodegradable silage film instead of general wrapping film; this approach is believed to have less environmental impact because the product can be recycled and reused, which means less waste to produce as the result of agricultural activity.

Understanding Farmers’ Environmental Concerns

There are several reasons why the farmer chooses to use biodegradable film instead of common wrapping film; some of them are explained as follows.

  • Biodegradable silage film production generates less waste. Most companies collect silage remnants and repurpose them as primary ingredients in new products, making most biodegradable products recyclable without needing new raw materials. This approach not only assists farmers in managing their substantial silage waste but also allows manufacturers to share responsibility, especially since farmers use large quantities of silage film annually and cannot replace it.
  • Manufacturers use mostly environmentally harmless materials to build biodegradable silage film, benefiting fodder. Concerned about chemical contamination from silage film materials, many farmers fear that broken films may alter fodder nutrients, similar to plastic’s effect. Contaminated fodder can directly impact livestock health, potentially causing stomachaches, premature miscarriages, and other illnesses.
  • Aware of the environmental impact, some farmers now prioritize environmentally friendly agricultural practices, understanding that a healthy environment contributes to better harvests. The visible effects of global warming, especially evident in the agricultural industry, further motivate this consciousness.

Nowadays, farmers are more concerned about producing organic products not only for human consumption but also for the kettle, as it is proven to give more health benefit as well as environmental friendly in hoping that they can lessen their impact on the environment so they can maintain a healthy agricultural land for generations. 

However, Does Biodegradable Silage Film More Expensive Than The Common One?

Indeed some biodegradable films for agricultural purposes are more expensive than regular silage wrapping. The cost due to the complicated process to build a suitable product as well as the control of waste management from the manufacture of the products. 

The high price for silage film is needed for retreatment of the remains that require additional process, not to mention the high-quality materials that are used to build the products. Understandably, biodegradable silage is more expensive than the regular one as it requires more process. 

Will Biodegradable Film Share The Same Quality As Regular Silage Wrap?

Of course, there is a high possibility that biodegradable silage wrapping can perform a better job than regular silage film as they are mostly made from high-quality materials that will not harm the natural ingredients. 

Besides, the biodegradable film also has high resistance to harsh weather, just like any other silage film. Nowadays, finding a biodegradable film is no longer difficult, considering many international manufacturers are now leading their production to eco-friendly products.

Eco-friendly Silage Film or just regular one

You can choose whatever you like as long as it is suitable for your need, if you think you can spare more money for a biodegradable product then you might need to consider changing your regular silage film to an eco-friendly one, you might spend more money, but you can also contribute to preserving the environment for the future generation. The choice is in your hand.