Food is perhaps one of the most crucial aspects of establishing a comfortable living situation for animals kept and reared on a farm. It is one of the most basic. Farmed animals are not capable of finding their food outside the area where they are kept. This makes it a necessity for the farmer to help them get the nutritious sustenance they require to continue living. Lack of nutrients will cause them to fall sick. Sick livestock, in turn, does not possess such a desirable value. This raises a question: Why bother rearing animals if you can’t provide a good life for them?

round bale net wrap for silage grass forage cattle feed

What You Can Expect out of Bale Wrap

In terms of animal husbandry, feed is often prepared by baling plant materials for convenient storing and easy retrieval. A bale wrap is then required for this specific purpose. The wrap is used to cover the bale and tying the plant materials up, so they do not fall over the ground. 

You may argue, why bother wrapping them up? You can just leave them scattered all over the surface, let the animals out, and allow them to enjoy their menu for the day, right? Right—but you leave one factor out in that argument. Hay is made of chopped and torn plant materials, gathered together to form a bulk of them. If these materials are not cared for properly, they will decompose. 

Many problems may stem from decomposing plant parts. They will become trash. And the trashy farm is a fertile ground for all sorts of bacteria, fungus, and tons of other sources of disease. You’re lucky if your animals don’t roam the farm, happen upon a said pile of garbage, and nonchalantly consume what they think is something to enjoy. 

If they catch a disease from this action, they may infect their otherwise healthy fellow farm-dwellers. The rest is as predicted—a chain reaction of a disaster that could be costly to mitigate. Therefore, it is of utter importance to keep the feed protected. Using a bale wrap is one solution for you to consider taking.

Why Use Bale Wrap at all?

Among many possible advantages that may come from using a bale wrap, there are two that must be of your biggest interest.

It Helps Simplify Things

The baling process is a messy undertaking. From growing the plant to harvesting them to chopping and cutting, you end it all up with collecting them together. If not for special wrapping material, the whole thing is just too overwhelming and could take more time than it should. 

You can just spread the bale wrap on top of a surface in length you deem sufficient for the volume of prepared feed. Arrange the plant parts on top of the wrapper. Roll it all up the way to think accommodative of the entire staff. And you’re done. There is no messy litter. There is no leftover. All are neatly tucked inside the wrap, ready to serve to the livestock whenever you feel like to.

It Helps Preserve The Content

As mentioned above, the tricky thing about handling baled livestock feed is the fact that they are prone to getting spoiled. Moisture is everywhere. And moisture is the biggest enemy of livestock feed. By wrapping the feed-in quality material, you can stop decomposition from taking place and preserve the content. 

One important note regarding bale wrap is that you need to select a product that is of sufficient length so that it can accommodate the entire volume. If the feed that you prepare is of big bulk, the short wrap won’t work. You will end up with too many batches by the end of the day. 

If the volume is too small and you use too long, a wrapper, on the other hand, will result in a wrapping manner that’s just too tight. Yes, you can just cut the wrap to a correct length but what, then, is the awkward remain good for?

round bale film manufacturer supplier China

Just One Suggestion for You on Where to Get Quality Bale Wrap

It is then crucial that you find a provider or a supplier whose bale wrap product comes in a variety of sizes and lengths. And if you still can’t find one that you deem worthy of your attention, we can help. Silopak is a well-known supplier of this specific item. Our bale wrap has been exported to many countries, an indication of our superb quality.