Co-4 Grass blue bufallo grass animal feed

People who see blue buffalo grass are usually amazed by its beauty. The color and the furry texture of the flower make it the child’s favorite grass to play with. Besides the beauty of the look, this grass has quality as fodder for the cattle. The grass can erase livestock starvation.

Native to North America, this grass attracted world attention that makes it travel and find its new place. The capability of the adaptation is surprisingly incredible. Belong to the perennial category, this grass can survive for a long time. It belongs to the warm season, but it can handle some conditions.

About Blue Buffalo Grass

Blue buffalo grass has a high tolerance to dry conditions. The land that can be its bed is many kinds of soils. It has alkaline soils as its preference, but it can grow on other soils. Light sand is the only land that it cannot grow on. The main use of the grass in the farmland business is to feed the cattle. The farmers who have cattle like to feed the cattle with this grass. The farmers who possess horses and sheep can also use this as one of the hay ingredients.

One of the important advantages of this plant is to secure the soil from erosion. Some institutions use this grass to strengthen the soil. The reason behind this good strength is the root. The roots of this plant are deep.

Some Important Things to Know about Blue Buffalo Grass

There are at least 8 important things to know about this grass. What are the eight essentials? Here is the information.


Prepare a large lawn that is enough to grow this plant. This grass is quite tall, it needs a medium to a large lawn. However, if there is not enough space, the edge of the water channel can also be used to grow. By doing this, the advantage of the grass to avoid erosion can also be boosted. Maintain the soil. In doing this, you have to see the condition first. Give what it needs (if it is too dry, irrigate it, etc).

The Ideal Time for Seeding

3 gold months to spread the seeds are February or the beginning of the year, March, and November. The season that has to be avoided in winter. The plant will be dying at this time.


Mowing the grass needs a tool. Manual tools can be used but to make it faster, the automatic machine is ready to help. There are many trimmers in the store that you could use. The best grazing time is when the grass is tall enough. When it reaches 30 cm, it is the most perfect time for trimming.

November is usually the month for it (but it depends on the seedling month). The best way to cut is by trimming it completely. The result of this way is the next growing grass will be new grass from the up and above. Cutting only half will leave a new growing grass with old stalks. Check our articles regarding the best time to mow and mowing size for better understanding.

Fast Growing Time

There is a time when this grass can grow rapidly. It is the early summer season. The consequence of this is grazing. Due to the speed, rescheduling the mowing is required.

The Best Rest Time

In winter, the plant is better to take a rest to supply haymaking. It tolerates heat more than coldness. It also tolerates drought more than waterlogged. If the livestock owners are curious and or have difficulty finding the substitution, silage can be one of the alternative food.

This kind of fodder is moist but can be saved for a long time. Before winter, prepare the fodder or simply buy it at the store. The livestock owners don’t have to worry about the shield because it is protected by silage wrap film. The silage can be saved for a long time with good protection against external disturbance.


The texture is soft even if people step on the plant with no footwear. If there is no special lawn for it, the farmers can use an alternative place to grow near the place for activity.


Sometimes, the farmers and the expert want to move some plants to a different place. That new place wishes to get the benefit. Unfortunately, a plant is not like a dead thing that can be moved without noticing the environment. The areas with a rainfall range of 350 mm to 740 mm per year are the places where the blue buffalo grass can grow. Besides those numbers, it will be very hard or even almost impossible to grow.


If the grass has flowers, it will be very beautiful to see. The children like to play with it and make some flower ring from it. But, the flower will invite bees and other small animals that potentially give damage the plant. Dealing with the flower will require extra treatment to control the small animals.

From the explanation above, we now know that this plant is a deep-rooted plant, that tolerates heat, rests in winter, tolerates drought, and has a smooth texture. Do you want to grow blue buffalo grass?