Growing and Feeding Lucerne

Growing and feeding lucerne is accompanied by a series of processes and procedures. This type of green grass does not always just grow in the meadow. In many cases, farmers prepare special land, then plant this grass for various needs, one of which is for animal feed....

Is Lucerne Good for Cows? Check Out These Pros and Cons

Are you still curious, is lucerne good for cows? Among the many choices of feed, lucerne is one of the most recommended green grasses, because of its high nutritional content which is good for optimizing productivity on farms. But what about the risk of bloating which...

Corn Fermentation as a Staple Food for Livestock

Corn is the one of staple food liked by livestock. It can be fulfilled the requirement of the livestock as an energy source, is easy to store, can be produced on a large scale, is easy to use with other food ingredients, and corn is a good source of carotene. The...