by silopak | Nov 29, 2021 | Corn Ensilage
Corn ensilage is a fermentative process of turning harvested corn into silage. The process takes time before the materials are of their optimal quality before being given to the animals. Corn silage requires a method to decrease the oxygen levels and increase acidity...
by silopak | Nov 27, 2021 | Fodder Preservation
Fodder preservation is a piece of cake. Sometimes it is easy, and sometimes it is the opposite. What are the factors that decide the level of easiness in preserving fodder? It depends on the condition of the material and the environment. The running of the preserving...
by silopak | Nov 21, 2021 | LLDPE Silage Film
LLDPE silage film wraps the animal fodder perfectly. What makes it suitable for animal fodder? First of all, we are already familiar with LLDPE material. In our daily life (outside of the farm world), we use that material for food sealing. It is good in protecting...
by silopak | Nov 19, 2021 | Round Bale Film
Is your farm constantly terrorized by rats chomping on the bale that you’ve so diligently collected over time? Is the hay you’ve gathered falling prey to crows pecking on what you’ve intended as the primary feed for your livestock? These are classic problems faced by...
by silopak | Nov 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
Choosing the right kind of cattle feed may not be rocket science, but it is an art that must be mastered through experiences. You can argue that as the animal, the cattle will not be that picky in what they are fed with. Just throw some leaves here and add some grass...